Waitemata Greenways – Maps & Invite to Event

1 min read

More details on the Greenways plan of the Waitemata Local Board! High-quality maps of the proposed routes are now available (PDF with 3 pages of maps).


Waitemata Greenways Logo.

They are still teasing us by noting on their Greenways page that the online submission form will only be up from around the 8th of February, but they are already inviting you to an event where you will get more information, and can tell them your thoughts about this exciting plan:

What: Waitemata Greenways Event.

When: Wednesday 20 February from 4-7pm

Where: Richmond Rovers Rugby League Club, 55-61 Elgin Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland.

They are also organising guided tours of the proposed routes, with more info on those to come.

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