Waiheke Valentine night bike ride

1 min read

To celebrate New Zealand Bikewise month, story teller Tanya Batt is  inviting ‘lovers of two wheels’ to join her for a Valentine Night Cycle on Tuesday 14th February. Meeting at the Story Centre at 8.45pm and heading off on a mystery cycle that will culminate in a romantic supper. This event is suited for those people whose bed time is after 8.45pm, who are confidant road cyclists and can cycle at reasonable speed for several kilometres.

If you are keen here’s what you need to know:

Meet at the Story Centre, Artworks Oneroa, Waiheke at 8.45pm Tuesday 14th February.

Light up your bike – yes xmas lights, head torches, lamps – you do need to be seen.

Dress up – remember cycling is no excuse for lycra but an excellent opportunity to kit up in latex, tutus, tuxedos, ball gowns or to
decorate your helmet.

Bring something suitable for a shared supper and aa koha.

Any questions you can email Tanya Batt at tanya@imagined-worlds.net

Join us

Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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