It took me by surprise when I landed at Waiheke last week with overloaded panniers on my bike, fully intending to pop my bike on Waiheke Bus Co’s very handy bus bike rack, only to find the racks unavailable for my use. Fullers are sorry about a temporary suspension of their service, as they see it as an integral part of their cycling friendly company policy and services.
Here’s their official report –
Recently the NZ Police Commercial Vehicles inspectors issued the Waiheke Bus Company with notice to suspend the transportation of bikes using the imported bike racks on the front of some of the WBC buses. This followed an inspection which raised issues during night driving with racks partly obscuring the bus lights while driving in areas of no street lighting. The racks will be removed, modified and tested. Notification will appear in a public notice in both local papers when the service will restart.
Fullers will also let us know as soon as the racks are back on the buses for use – and we’ll post the good news.