Update from the St Lukes Leicon team

Sep 14, 2014
Update from the St Lukes Leicon team


1 min read

From Friday 5th of September Leicon will be starting construction on retaining wall 121 and as part of this they will be installing site access control gates, similar to what is used on the Causeway.  These gates provide a safety feature by swinging a gate in front of the cycleway ensuring any construction plant and cyclists don’t cross paths.

Leicon 12 Sep 14

From Monday 22 September Leicon will be clearing vegetation alongside the cycleway in the below highlighted red area.  For cyclist safety they will be clearing vegetation in 30m sections with traffic management at the marked areas with the blue x.

Also at a later stage, they will be installing site access control gates, similar to what is used on the Causeway in the below area as well.  These gates provide a safety feature by swinging a gate in front of the cycleway ensuring any construction plant and cyclists don’t cross paths.

Leicon 12 Sep 14 2

Please note that there will be no closures of the cycleway.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Elise Miller.

T +64 936 21917

E elise.miller@leicon.co.nz


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