Tweed Run

Tweed Run

Bike Auckland

1 min read
Tweed RunWot ho! here are the details and flyer for Tweed run number whatever it is to Highwic house for the deco picnic thingy whatsit!

Auckland Tweed Run

T. Whites Bikes to Highwic House- Sunday 7th April 2013. 12pm onwards, meeting at T. Whites Everyday Bikes 132 Symonds Street.
Auckland’s Homage to the international anachronistic Tweed Run phenomena of dressing up in old fashioned clothes and riding a bicycle. It’s free and all are welcome – just find some tweed, bring a picnic lunch and come on a bike! Easy!
This time round we are collaborating with Highwic House, Newmarket by riding our bikes to their Art Deco Day Out picnic. Unlike those other visitors using horseless carriages, YOU will be able to ride all the way to the doorstep.
For more info about Auckland Tweed Runs, go to:
[Slightly legalistic but sort-of-required hint: It is up to attendees to bring their own helmets and safety gear and be responsible for themselves in the traffic.]

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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