Under the umbrella of Cycle Action New Zealand, advocates led by David J. Knight campaigned for a bike path along the NW motorway. Five years of patient lobbying led to a rule change allowing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists to be built on motorway reserve land. Thus, on 6 December 1992, the causeway from Te Atatū to Point Chevalier became home to the very first off-road separated cycleway on Transit land. This watershed moment paved the way not just for the NW cycleway, but also for networks of walk-bike paths all over the country. Especially since the Waterview Board of Inquiry, motorway expansion and widening projects now generally come with walking and biking access included.

An original sign announcing the opening event on 6 December 1992. Note the icons of a bygone cycling era up top – five helmet-free men on comfortable looking upright utility bikes, a world that had long since vanished by 1992 – but we’re trying to bring it back for more than just blokes!
Champions of the cycle path: Kurt Brehmer, David Knight and Bob Harvey, heading west past the go-kart track and into the future!

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