Update – On-line survey on cycling to the Northern Busway
We’ve been going great guns with our on-line survey about cycling to the Northern Busway Stations. Since blogging about the survey last week, we’ve done 3 morning stints joining the early […]
AT survey on cycling attitudes in Auckland
Auckland Transport is asking you to fill out a survey regarding cycling and cycling attitudes in Auckland. The survey is also being sent out to participants on wider government mailing […]
Auckland’s Bike Facilities Plan – Input Needed
Are you a keen mountain biker, BMXer, triathlete, track or road cyclist? We need your input to help build a Bike Facility Plan for the Auckland Region. The plan is […]
Who are you?
Cycle Action would love to know where the readers of this blog come from. Can you please fill out this 2-minute survey? Yes you can? Awesome. Well done! .
Results of the Tamaki Drive Survey
Well, here they are, the results from our Tamaki Drive survey – if you participated, I am sure you are interested in whether your views match those of others. As […]
Survey – how do you like the Tamaki Drive cycling works?
More is still to come in future months and years, but most of the recent works on Tamaki Drive are finished, except for some tidying up. Cycle Action Auckland has […]