1 min read
Fancy a ride or walk across the Auckland Harbour Bridge?
The prospect of doing so is getting beter by the day….but we need your help!
The GetAcross Campaign has devised a very attractive and practical proposal for a walk and cycle way on the Bridge.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown strongly supports it; and two construction companies are offering to work together to build it and help finance it. But the GetAcross Campaign needs to raise $10,000 to help fund engineering reports to satisfy the government’s transport agency.
The Heart of the City, the CBD business association has given $4,000 and the Hikurangi Foundation has pledged to raise further funds. The Foundation helps on a wide range of grass root projects around the country that are responding to climate change.
Rod Oram, cyclist and trustee of the Foundation says:
As a cyclist very keen to ride across the Bridge and as a trustee of the Foundation, please may I seek your finanical support?We’re seeking a total of $25,000 so GetAcross can respond speedily as the project progresses.We’ve set up a fund raising page where you can learn more about the project, donate by credit card and get a tax receipt:
You can learn more about the GetAcross campaign at http://www.getacross.org.nz
And about the Hikurangi Foundation at http://www.hikurangi.org.nz
I look forward to seeing you on the Bridge in a year or two!