Second hand bikes needed now – Please help !

Feb 22, 2015
Second hand bikes needed now – Please help !


1 min read

We’ve had a cry for help from Stephen Lasham from the Aotea Venturer Sea Scouts.  Please help!

Sea scouts ask for bikes 1

Auckland Venturer Scouts are participating in the National Venturer Cycle Challenge, which involves accumulating kilometres ridden on bicycles individually and as part of their Venturer unit. The aim is to get Venturers active and out on bikes and encourage cycle touring as an option for their expedition experience, required for their bronze, silver, and gold Venturer awards on their way to becoming Queen’s Scouts, and gaining the Duke of Edinburgh/Young New Zealanders challenge awards.

Sea scouts ask for bikes 2(Editor – The Venturers deserve our support on the basis of this terrific poster alone. Congrats, Stephen!)

The event started on 15th February and runs to the end of March. We have identified that a number of Venturers cannot participate due to lack of bicycles and are aiming to help. We are looking for bikes in roadworthy condition suitable for youth aged 13 to 18, which are able to be donated to the cause. The bikes will be stored and maintained at scout halls and made available to Scouts and Venturer Scouts in the Akarana Zone (Central Auckland), so that they can participate in group activities involving bicycles. Just a few bikes could make all the difference.

Please contact Stephen Lasham, Venturer Leader, Aotea Sea Scouts,

phone 09 6222410, email:



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