A reminder – Friday deadline for Ngapipi feedback!

Sep 22, 2016
A reminder – Friday deadline for Ngapipi feedback!


2 min read

Time is running out to comment on plans for one of Auckland’s cycling hot-spots, the Tamaki Drive/Ngapipi Rd intersection. Feedback closes Friday September 23rd.

We encourage you to add your own support – or constructive criticism! – to the AT design. What’s at stake here? Re-read our earlier blog post to help you make an application on the Resource Consent for the intersection redesign.

Consider our own 6 improvement suggestions, and what you feel needs changing, and submit!

In addition, there’s one other related issue you might like to comment on, as it’s creating a lot of discussion in the community. This is regarding AT’s future decision about how to connect the mighty Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path from Orakei to Tamaki Drive.

The Outboard Boating Club (that’s the large boating club alongside Tamaki Drive to the west of Ngapipi Rd) has concerns about the preferred route option which would take G.I.-Tamaki across Hobson Bay.

We like the idea of the Hobson Bay crossing option – it’d be a magic connection across the water to Orakei train station – and while we know this option for the G.I.-Tamaki pathway will have impacts on the OBC, we’re hopeful that sensitive negotiations and much more work can resolve the issues.

The OBC says it wants members and the public to use their submissions on this intersection project to say that when it comes to the G.I-Tamaki shared path, they’d prefer it to run along Ngapipi Rd through to Orakei Rd (i.e., by extending the short cycle lanes leading to the intersection, as shown on the plans), rather than across Hobson Bay.

So, if you’re submitting, you might like to include your own views on the future options for cycle connections. We suggest that it’s good to support the cycle lanes shown on Ngapipi Rd in AT’s proposals, as an important part of the local cycle network – while not pre-empting any decision on a Hobson Bay crossing for the important G.I.-Tamaki shared path connection to Tamaki Drive.

Here’s the AT project page. Because it’s a resource consent, you need to make your submission via the Auckland Council website, as follows:

1   Find the list of current projects here, and scroll down to Ngapipi Rd.

2   Copy the application numbers (R/LUC/2016/3297, R/REG/2016/3298, R/REG/2016/3299, R/REG/2016/3307 & R/REG/2016/3493) and then…

Click through to the submission form, paste the application numbers in, and off you go!

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