Bike Auckland’s technical staff (our unpaid volunteers with specialist expertise) regularly support pedestrian improvements that Auckland Transport puts up for public feedback – new refuge islands, zebra crossings, traffic calming.
We keep an eye on Auckland Transport’s Have your say page, and when we see something worth supporting for people on foot, we say so in the name of Bike AKL – even if it has no (direct) bike benefits. But normally we don’t raise it with you, our readers and friends.
With some exceptions!
Read on for how you can help…
In this case, Auckland Transport has been proposing pedestrian improvements in Mt Roskil (project page here – scroll down to the bottom for the current project). After an initial round of consultation, they are now doing a second round where they are talking about the specific improvements they might make. The two key areas are:
- Pedestrian improvements (and some shared path works) around Frost Road / Carr Road – focused on school kids
- Better crossings over Mt Albert Road at the difficult spidery intersection outside Three Kings Plaza
Both proposals are 100% worth supporting – and in particular, we would love people to take a closer look at the second one.
Because while the proposals for improving the Mt Albert Road intersection are great, it wouldn’t be too difficult to add bikeways to them, making this intimidating section of road so much easier to ride along. And easier to take your bike to the shops, too!
After all, Mt Albert Road is on the future cycle network – but there’s currently no money for a major whole street revamp for many years. So we need to be smart with opportunities like this!
Read on for what to say…
We particularly prefer Option 1 – but make sure you state you want Option 1 WITH bike lanes, as they are currently not shown!
Why do we prefer Option 1? Well, traffic signals (Option 2) would work here too. But the problem with traffic signals is that they don’t slow cars down when they’re green – in fact, drivers often speed up, and run the red (or almost run it). So while crashes may become rarer, they can also become more serious. Whereas the proposed Option 1 with raised zebra crossings slows people in cars down to a more human-scale speed. And of course, the crossings give pedestrians priority when crossing, which is also very very neat.
We think this would be a great outcome for pedestrians. And if we do it right – by adding bikeways – for people on bikes too!
Make sure to submit here – the consultation closes this Sunday!
Be sure to ask for Option 1 PLUS BIKE LANES!