Open Streets Bike Gang Challenge! Save the date Sunday 12 April

Mar 24, 2015
Open Streets Bike Gang Challenge! Save the date Sunday 12 April


2 min read

Bike Gangs of Auckland Assemble!  Cycle Action is teaming up with Auckland Transport’s Open Streets 2015 to bring you Auckland’s first annual bike gang competition!

The Pioneer Cycling Club don't seem too bothered by the unsealed West Coast Road, yo. (Christchurch City Libraries: CCL PhotoCD 1, IMG0071, 1884)
The Pioneer Cycling Club, an early bike gang. (Christchurch City Libraries: CCL PhotoCD 1, IMG0071, 1884)

This is a shout-out to all the dedicated, diverse or dabbling bike groups out there.

Get together a bike gang, or hustle your existing one, and show up in force on Sunday 12 April to compete for the title of Auckland’s best and biggest bicycle bunch.

What’s a bike gang? You decide. Friends, family, workmates, neighbours, gal pals, bad boys, like-minded snappy dressers, fellow tandem riders, lycra lovers – whatever your style.

Entry is easy: on Sunday 12 April, just ride up en masse to the Cycle Action tent on Quay Street, register your gang for a headcount with the Bike Marshall and have your photo taken for posterity.

A bike gang of one, ready to take not just the lane but the whole of Quay St.
A bike gang of one. Baby G prepares to take not just the lane but the whole of Quay St (Photo: Jolisa Gracewood)

The biggest group wins a surprise $500 prize plus bragging rights and a profile on this blog — but honestly, no gang is too small! Everyone’s a winner, with loot galore and spot prizes.

This is an all ages, all cycling-styles event. Dress as you please, the route you ride to town is up to you, and you can register any time between 10am and 3pm on the day. The winning gang will be notified by email within 24 hours of the event.

Put the date on the calendar now – Sunday 12 April – and get your gang together, give yourselves a name and get ready to get into gear!

Ladies and Gents, the Thames Cycling Club Opening Run (1899) challenges you to do better in the bike-gang number stakes. (Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-18991208-5-5)
Ladies & Gents, the 1899 Thames Cycling Club Opening Run challenges YOU to beat their bike gang turnout. (Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-18991208-5-5)

PS If you’re a Facebooky sort, swing by the Facebook event page and let us know you’re planning to be there. Heck, you can even make your own Facebook event and start recruiting!


Bike Gangs Flyer Colour revised




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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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