Open day on Dominion Road parallel cycle boulevard

Nov 23, 2013
Open day on Dominion Road parallel cycle boulevard


1 min read

AT are holding public information days regarding the Dominion Road upgrade parallel cycle routes. The information given to us by AT is as follows:

Tuesday 3 December, 3.30pm to 7pm, at Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, 487 Dominion Road
Saturday 7 December, 11am to 3.00pm, at Dominion Road School, Quest Terrace, Mt Roskill
On Saturday 7 December, members of the Mount Roskill Safe Routes project team will also be on-hand to talk about the proposed new cycleway connecting through War Memorial Park, Keith Hay Park, Molley Green Reserve and Waikowhai Road Park.

The plans for the boulevard will also be up on the AT site from 3 December.

You may recall that this was a compromise from the lack of cycling facilities integrated into the Dominion Road upgrade. From Paul’s post back in July, it appears there was a lot of disappointment (and anger) over this decision. However, I do believe that the boulevard will be use and it will increase the number of people cycling – which is all we can really hope for now. Research has shown that the majority of cyclists (especially children, the elderly and women) will prefer a longer safer, more pleasant route over a more direct car dominated one.

As always the argument comes down to a question of street space, which is really a question of priorites. David Hembrow (on his fantastic blog A View From the Cycle Path) illustrates this beautifully in this post. Here is a typical British high street which has many similarities to Dominion Road:

And here is how the Dutch would do it:

The road space is the same. It is just a matter of deciding whether the point of the street is to move as many cars as possible or to move as many people as possible.

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