The cycleway underpass at Te Atatu is well under way, with works about to start on the eastern side. That means from May 7th until completion (expected in December) there’s a detour of the cycleway.

The detour will be a separated, asphalted, fenced off section of the newly widened motorway, adjacent to Alwyn Ave. Cyclists travelling west can choose to use the footpath or the roadway on Bridge Rd and Alwyn Ave. Using the footpath makes it slightly easier to connect to the shared path on Te Atatu Rd.
(Click to enlarge the map below – thanks to Emma at Fulton Hogan for supplying it!)
Phil Robinson, our Westie cycle champ, has been going over the detour details with the team from Fulton Hogan, and helping iron out any bumps. He notes: “There will be a couple of corners where care is required, and parts of the smooth sealed road surface will be oh-so-tempting to zoom on – we might need slow down signs! This route will vary a few times over the next 5 months as parts of the Underpass and Whau Bridge projects are completed. But in most cases each change will be for the better.”
Phil also reports some repeated vandalism of the light and a mirror at the hairpin bend at the end of the Henderson creek cycle bridge. Both are crucial for safe navigation of this bit of the path, used by locals and commuters. Says Phil, “If you know of or see anyone behaving badly in this area, please let us know.”