Every year, Cycle Action’s committee members, associates and friends put in many thousands of hours of volunteer work. Every year, we make an effort to capture at least a good cross-section of the work in the form of a list of projects.
And every year, the list keeps growing, this time to almost 140 entries, as you can read up on below.
And the list isn’t even exhaustive. Some items might represent a submission put together on a Friday afternoon in half an hour, racing against a deadline – others many days of work by numerous people, from going out collecting signatures for a cycling-friendly Te Atatu Road, to having hard conversations with authorities to fix issues, to organising events like the recent Cycle Summit.
Many thanks to all who have been involved in one of these projects, whether by leading them, by sending in a submission, or in any other shape and form. Cycling is growing, and you are it.
Note: The list is sorted by area of Auckland (and now shows the correct areas too 😉 )
Area | Type | Initiative | Cycle Action’s work |
Central | Advice / collaboration | Ongoing Tamaki Drive “roadies” initiatives incl. “Good Bunch” promo | Joint pilots with road cyclists, Orakei Local Board, AT, Auck Police on Tamaki Drive for safer riding and road sharing etiquette. |
Central | Advice / collaboration | Participation in Puketapapa Transport Forum | We participated in several of the transport forums held by Richard Barter’s Local Board, who is leading several initiatives to improve cycling in his area, such as their “Greenways” project for neighbourhood routes. |
Central | Advice | Commented on Keith Hay Park upgrades | We submitted on the planned upgrades of this park, and asked for improvements to the cycle links to and through this popular sports destination. |
Central | Advice | Work with Waitemata Local Board on various projects | We provided input into the Local Board’s agreements and proposed projects with Auckland Transport. |
Central | Advice | Plan Change 58 – Grafton Gully overbridge zone change | We submitted on, and achieved a change to a proposed zoning change and subsequent land sell-off which could have prevented a future clip-on bridge or new bridge providing walking and cycling access over the Grafton Gully at Wellesley Street East / Grafton Road. |
Central | Advice | Mediate between AT and sports cyclists on Tamaki Drive | We assisted sports cycle groups with their concerns about Auckland Transport designs for some parts of Tamaki Drive, particularly kerb build-outs and speed tables at Kelly Tarltons. |
Central | Advice | Bike count on Tamaki Drive | One of our Associates undertook a highly detailed count of types and numbers of cyclists on Tamaki Drive. |
Central | Advice | Tamaki Drive trailer parking | Cycle Action advocated for stronger enforcement of parking rules on over-width trailer parking endangering cyclists on Tamaki Drive. |
Central | Advice | Speed limit on Ian McKinnon lowered | We supported a lowering of the speed limit on Ian McKinnon Drive from 70 kph to 60 kph, though we would have preferred even stronger infrastructural changes leading to a 50 kph limit. |
Central | Advice | Open up a bus-only lane at Wellesley Street East to cyclists | Cyclists can now legally continue west on Wellesley Street East towards Queen Street, after Cycle Action convinced AT that a ban on cars need not include cyclists at this location. |
Central | Advice / media | Attending the court case regarding dooring of Jane Bishop | We attended the court case around culpability of the motorist accused of dooring Jane Bishop.CAA featured in extensive TV, radio and print interviews to articulate CAA’s viewpoint on the case. |
Central | Advice | Waiheke Pinch Point report | We assisted Cycle Action Waiheke on producing a list of cycling pinch points for road safety funding purposes. |
Central | Advice | New Zealand Cycle Trail – Waiheke Route | Promoting the concept of a Waiheke route for the New Zealand Cycle Trail – advocacy to politicians, Auckland Transport, NZCT. |
Central | Events | 350 – Moving Planet event, September 2011 | Cycle Action helped organise a cycle ride to the Wynyard Quarter in support of reducing carbon emissions, and had a presence at the event activities. |
Central | Events | Grafton Gully Cycleway presentation | We organised a presentation by NZTA on the planned Grafton Gully Cycleway to our members and friends. |
Central | Events | Cycle Style 2012 fashion show | Some weeks after initially being cancelled by bad weather, this cycling and fashion show took place at Shed 10 on the waterfront, with one of CAA’s committee members playing the MC for the festivities. |
Central | Infrastructure | Ian McKinnon Drive user audit | Auckland Transport contracted Cycle Action to undertake a user audit (assessing safety and usability) of the new cycling facilities for Ian McKinnon Drive, identifying opportunities for further improvement. |
Central | Infrastructure | Assist Cycle Action Waiheke regarding various projects | We advised Cycle Action Waiheke on various projects, such as Onetangi Straight, Te Toki Road etc.., and various other projects proposed or commented on. |
Central | Infrastructure | Comment on the proposed upgrade of Solent Street / Tamaki Drive | Design advice to Auckland Transport on this intersection upgrade, resulting in a wider cycle lane, and some improvements of the off-road path ramps. |
Central | Infrastructure | Comment on the proposed upgrade of Averill Avenue / Tamaki Drive | Design advice to Auckland Transport on this intersection upgrade, resulting in a cycle lane being given more space from a bus stop, and a dangerous traffic island being removed from the middle of the road. |
Central | Infrastructure | Pinchpoint at Ferncroft Street on Grafton Road | Achieved that parking was banned in a peak-hour bus stop, removing a dangerous pinch point. |
Central | Infrastructure | New cycle lane at Moehau Street on Grafton Road | Achieved Auckland Transport adding a short downhill feeder cycle lane at the traffic signals. |
Central | Infrastructure | Dominion Road design advice and advocacy | We met several times with the project team for the Dominion Road upgrade to work for better cycle facilities on Dominion Road, as well as push for more useful alternative residential parallel routes, and to prevent further cutbacks to the core scheme for cycling. |
Central | Infrastructure | Tamaki Drive Action Plan comments / concept schemes / meetings | We met with, and provided extensive feedback to Auckland Transport on several design iterations for the recent Tamaki Drive safety-focussed upgrades. |
Central | Infrastructure | Parnell Train Station | We advocated for a better-located underpass to enable a Parnell-City Centre cycleway around the station. While the underpass was still located less than ideally, we will continue to advocate for such a cycleway. |
Central | Infrastructure | Grafton Gully Cycleway | We attended numerous stakeholder meetings, and provided design advice to achieve the best possible route and cycleway quality. |
Central | Infrastructure | Advise on Governor Fitzroy push ramps, bike parking | We submitted on the changes to Governor Fitzroy Place as part of the AUT campus changes, met with the project team, and achieved the inclusion of cycling push ramps to the stairs for the new plaza. |
Central | Infrastructure | Richardson Road overbridge design | We advised / advocated that the new Richardson Road overbridge receive shared paths on each side, to extend the fully off-road access for the new SH20 / Waterview cycleway further into the surrounding suburbs, rather than just provide a wide carriageway. |
Central | Infrastructure | Mount Wellington Highway cycle paths in Sylvia Park area | As part of a large-scale bus upgrade and new office development in the area, significant shared paths are also proposed outside of Sylvia Park on MWH. We also advocated for better integration of the start of the cycleway that goes along SEART towards Onehunga. |
Central | Infrastructure | Quick Wins project – New North Road | As our first “Quick Wins” project, Cycle Action undertook a major review and audit of the street, while Auckland Transport organised a separate safety audit. The results from these have been compiled, and physical works on New North Road are being prepared. |
Central | Infrastructure | Donald Bruce Road roundabout | We provided advice to Cycle Action Waiheke on potential cyclist-safety treatments at this roundabout. |
Central | Infrastructure | O’Connell Street feedback | We submitted on this City Centre street upgrade, and asked for shared space to be considered, rather than a normal streetscape upgrade as proposed by Council. |
Central | Infrastructure | Orpheus Drive feedback | We provided feedback on a separated cycle path proposed for Orpheus Drive, and including a detour around the southeastern electricity pylon, so that cyclists do not have to navigate through part of the motorway off-ramp area anymore. |
Central | Infrastructure | Onehunga Foreshore reclamation hearing | We participated in the resource consent hearing, and achieved a decision that widened the shared paths to more suitable widths. |
Central | Infrastructure | Old Mangere Bridge replacement feedback | We provided feedback to NZTA regarding the design of any new Mangere Bridge for walking and cycling. |
Central | Infrastructure | Mount Wellington Highway and AMETI Link Road comments | We advised on the new cycle facilities planned on Mount Wellington Highway and the new AMETI Link Road (running north south west of Panmure). |
Central | Infrastructure | Domain feedback | We provided feedback on proposed transport changes in the Auckland Domain for cycling and traffic calming, supporting an uphill cycle lane on Lower Domain Drive, though we have concerns with some aspects of other proposed changes. |
Central | Infrastructure | Waterfront Cycleway / Waterfront cycling initiatives | Cycle Action attended a number of planning seminars and events related to the coming Waterfront Boulevard for pedestrians and cyclists, which recently got funding approval. |
Central | Infrastructure | Southbound feeder cycle lane on Mayoral Drive | We finally achieved a long-promised feeder cycle lane on Mayoral Drive, southbound, heading to the Vincent Street uphill cycle lane. |
Central | Infrastructure | Orakei Local Board area parks | We submitted on a parks masterplan to achieve greater inclusion of cycling / more shared pathways and bike parking instead of just car parking. |
Central | Infrastructure | New streetlights placed into shared path on Tamaki Drive | Several new streetlights in the Okahu Bay area were placed straight into the shared path section for cyclists, rather than located at the back of the path along the seawall, as at similar locations elsewhere. We are working to relocate these. |
Central | Promotion | Art Week by Cycle / Art by Bike | Cycle Action and NextBike supported these projects, encouraging art lovers to travel to art events and installations by bike. |
Central | Promotion | Bunch riding skills workshops | We helped organise several bunch riding workshops which aim to teach appropriate ride safety and etiquette to new, as well as more experienced sports cyclists. |
Central | Promotion | Grafton Gully Cycleway | We advocated for the Grafton Gully Cycleway to be integrated with the City Centre Masterplan, and for the cycleway to be seen as an opportunity for urban and landscaping design. |
Central | Promotion | Bikes on buses Waiheke launch | We promoted the trial provision of bike racks on Waiheke buses of Fullers, which turned out to be a great success, and was soon expanded to more buses. |
Central | Promotion | Eastern Bays Courier – Multimodal race challenge | One of our members succeeded in showing off the advantages of riding a bike in winning this newspaper’s commuter challenge event. |
Central / East | Advice / collaboration | Work with the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board on priority routes | We met with, and developed options with the Board’s chair and transport chair for which cycle routes in their board area should be prioritised, settling on key routes between Onehunga and Panmure, Panmure to Glen Innes, and Panmure to Pakuranga. |
Central / East | Infrastructure | Assist with AMETI walking and cycling study | We provided significant input into a report that studied how walking and cycling in the town centres around the main AMETI route could be improved. |
Central / East | Infrastructure | Panmure Roundabout replacement / Queens Road layout | We provided input into how the future traffic signals replacing the roundabout could be made friendlier for cyclists and pedestrians. |
Central / East | Infrastructure | Input into a AMETI Lagoon Drive cycleway | We provided design advice on extending the shared path facilities from Panmure Bridge west up to Panmure, along Lagoon Drive (northern side of new busway). This has now been taken forward to detailed design. |
Central / North | Events / collaboration | TelstraClear Challenge over the Auckland Harbour Bridge | Partnered the event promoters and others involved in this event, including NZ Bus, to ensure that the event attracted widespread community interest as a cycling event and festival for all age groups and skill levels. |
Central / South | Advice | New Zealand Cycle Trail – Airport to City | Cycle Action Auckland undertook route selection and produced an initial application for a New Zealand Cycle Trail route from Auckland Airport to the City Centre (on their request, this was taken over by Auckland Transport, to take forward). . |
Central / South | Promotion | Airport to City Centre video | Cycle Action Auckland members produced a video showing visitors a proposed cycle route from Auckland Airport to the central city. |
Central / West | Advice / collaboration | Waterview motorway – Community Liaison Group | We met around eight times during the last 12 months as part of the Waterview motorway project “Community Liaison Group” to improve the conditions for cyclists during construction, and to ensure the cycling components of the project are progressed. |
Central / West | Infrastructure | Tiverton-Wolverton project cycle route advice | We met several times with designers and project managers for this route upgrade, concentrating on a number of key improvements to crossing locations over busier roads, and safety on shared path sections. |
Central / West | Infrastructure | Waterview Cycleway report | After preparation of an in-depth report on the preferred route, Cycle Action reviewed the report. We consider the proposed route is suitable, and should be taken forward for public consultation and construction as soon as possible as per the Board of Inquiry funding decision. |
East | Advice | Ormiston Community Facilities feedback | We provided input on cycling facilities as part of the new Ormiston community centre proposal, such as bike parking, and a consideration of appropriate and safe access routes for cyclists. |
East | Infrastructure | AMETI Pakuranga Design Workshop | We participated in a design workshop to define the high-level cycling facilities intended for the Panmure Bridge to Pakuranga and the Pakuranga to Botany cycleway sections of the AMETI project. |
National | Advice | Christchurch Southern Motorway, support cycleways | We submitted in favour of better cycleway facilities and cycling across interchanges to assist Christchurch cycle groups with getting better cycle facilities out of this roading project. |
National | Advice | NZTA research – integrating walking and cycling with public transport | Participation in an NZTA study group researching the benefits and potential improvements of good integration between these modes. |
National | Advice | High-risk intersections guide consultation | We provided a short, cycling-focussed submission on a new guideline for treatment of high-risk intersections. |
National | Events | VeloCity attendance | We sponsored part of the cost for one of our committee members to attend this large cycling conference in Vancouver, Canada, where she gave a presentation on CAN & BikeNZ’s Safer Cycling Programme. |
National | Events / collaboration | Wynyard Quarter cycling activities | worked with Waterfront Auckland to lead cycling activities for children in the Wynyard Quarter, which were very well received by the kids and their parents, and helped publicise and enliven the facilities. |
National | Infrastructure | State Highway 2 speed limit changes | Cycle Action supported lowering the speed limit on State Highway 2 in particularly crash-prone sections, to also assist cyclist safety on this road with limited safe road verges. |
National | Infrastructure | Basin Reserve flyover and tunnel duplication, Wellington | Cycle Action submitted on this project – in particular cycling on the proposed bridge and second tunnel – to assist Wellington cycle groups with getting better cycle facilities out of this roading project |
North | Advice | Northern Auckland Region speed limit review | Cycle Action provided a short submission in favour of reducing speed limits on a number of key roads in the northern part of the region. |
North | Infrastructure | Advise on the Lake Road (Hauraki corner) cycle lane proposals | We advocated for, and provided design advice on these recent upgrades for Lake Road, and are pushing for further improvements. |
North | Infrastructure | Albany Highway design input | We met with the project designers for Auckland’s first project with “Copenhagen cycle lanes”, and discussed a variety of tweaks to further improve it. |
North | Infrastructure | Rosedale Road cycle lane maintenance & upgrade | We provided comments on this maintenance and upgrade of an existing cycle lane. |
North | Infrastructure | Unsworth Reserve shared path | We provided design comments on the upgrade of a walking path to a cycle path. |
North | Infrastructure | Provide early input on East Coast Road CMP | We provided input into the key cycling issues on East Coast Road for Auckland Transport’s Corridor Management Plan for this route. |
North | Infrastructure | Kyle Road feedback | We provided cycling-focussed advice on changes to Kyle Road, Albany. |
North | Infrastructure | Hibiscus Coast Highway CMP | We provided some input into the potential use of lane separators for the Hibiscus Coast Highway Corridor Management Plan. |
North | Infrastructure | Albany Expressway / Greville Road | We provided design input into a potential shared path along Albany Expressway and across the Greville Road interchange to the east, with particular attention to safety issues present on these highspeed roads. |
North | Infrastructure | Onewa Road feedback | Cycle Action Auckland submitted on the shared path and T3 lane proposals for Onewa Road, asking, among other aspects, for a shared path on both sides. |
North | Infrastructure | Wairau / Forrest Hill Road cycle facilities | We provided input to Auckland Transport on different options for cycle facilities on Wairau Road near Forrest Hill Road intersection |
Regional | Advice | Speaking to 6 of the 12 Draft Local Board Plans we submitted on | Cycle Action had submitted to 12 Draft Local Board Plans, and managed to personally speak to 6 of the submissions at key boards (generally we concentrated on those that showed the greatest activity for cycling, such as Maungakiekie-Tamaki or Waitemata). |
Regional | Advice | Input into Auckland Transport maintenance contracts | We highlighted a number of cycling-related issues to Auckland Transport which their maintenance contractors needed to pay more attention to, such as cycle lane markings, road surface etc… |
Regional | Advice | Update of the Central, West, East and South user cycle maps | Cycle Action was contracted by Auckland Transport to undertake extensive desktop and out-on-in-the-field analysis to update the cycle maps, as well as help proof-read the resulting maps before publication. |
Regional | Advice | Regional Cycle Network map (planning map) review | We were contracted by Auckland Transport’s consultants to provide knowledge and comments about incorrect information or deficient routes shown in the RCN, to input into a region-wide review. |
Regional | Advice | Input into bikes on trains / workshops (several) and survey | We met several times with the project team for the new electric trains, and advised them on preferred bike carriage infrastructure and operational methods. We also surveyed our members as to their preferences. |
Regional | Advice | Submission on the ITA guidelines | We provided a short input into the ITA guidelines, which define characteristics for developers to assess the traffic effects of their proposals. We especially highlighted the need for these assessments to go beyond car effects, and to include consideration of cycle facilities. |
Regional | Advice | Construction issues for cyclists | We met with Auckland Transport to highlight issues cyclists face during roadworks construction, in particular from dangerous located roadworks signs and cones. We also touched up the efficiency of such signage during / to protect cycle rides / events. |
Regional | Advice | Contraflow cycle lane by-law | We successfully promoted submissions in favour of a clarification of the by-laws, to allow contra-flow cycle lanes as a standard toolkit solution. |
Regional | Advice | Auckland Plan, Waterfront Plan and City Centre Masterplan | We provided submissions on the Auckland Plan and the two component plans, and encouraged others to submit as well, supporting various cycle-friendly aspects. |
Regional | Advice | New bike parking racks | We provided input to Auckland Transport on the latest spate of bike parking racks provided around the city. |
Regional | Advice | Regular catch-up meetings with NZTA and AT | We regularly meet with teams from NZTA and Auckland Transport to discuss current topics, work for better cycling conditions, and alert authorities to potential opportunities in existing projects. |
Regional | Collaboration | Inaugural Auckland Cycling Summit with AT, and Auckland NZTA | Summit with 18 speakers and 32 attendees held to celebrate collaboration across the Auckland cycling sector. Widely acclaimed success,provided model for other regions to follow suite to capture national scene. |
Regional | Collaboration | Established the Round The Table liaison group | Cycle Action Secretary initiated the formation of the RTT which has met regularly as a collaborative and well attended forum on specific issues encouraging cycling – eg cycle training, and learn to ride facilities in schools. |
Regional | Communications / media | Established blog, Facebook and Twitter presence. | Since February 2012 have published 290 blog posts with FB and Twitter, attracting dialogue on topical issues and projects affecting Auckland cycling community. |
Regional | Media | Frequent role in contributing to media items on current cycling issues | Cycle Action media spokesperson regularly features on NZ Herald, TV. Radio and suburban print media on all matters involving cycling in Auckland. |
Regional | Events | Roger Geller visit | We provided a home stay for Roger Geller, cycle coordinator of Portland, Oregon, who was touring New Zealand to give presentations on changing cities for cycling. This also allowed us to have extended personal discussions on cycling with him. |
Regional | Events | CAA Associates breakfasts | Cycle Action Associates have been organising monthly breakfasts for cycling discussions between anyone interested in cycling matters in Auckland. |
Regional | Infrastructure | Input to Code of Practice, for Auckland Transport road design | We provided ongoing input into the coming Code of Practice (the nitty-gritty engineering details for future roadworks) on a variety of topics such as cycling design and traffic calming design – with particular attention to avoiding pinch points, and getting quality outcomes. |
Regional | Infrastructure | Quick Wins project – Startup | We achieved a budget of $150,000 for a pilot project of fixing small and medium-size issues on key cycle routes, which have not yet received cycle facilities (and are not slated to do so soon). We intend to roll out more of these after the trial project is completed. |
Regional | Infrastructure | Driveway lip safety issue | We advocated for a change to the design standards for driveways used around part of the region, where a very high “lip” at the kerb causes discomfort and falling risk to cyclists. We had several meetings on this, but the process is ongoing. |
Regional | Infrastructure | Advocacy regarding train station upgrades | We have been working on getting more bike parking and cycle access included at train stations when they are upgraded. We also participated in an workshop on the Mt Albert Train Station upgrade. |
Regional | Infrastructure | Roundabout at Hutchinson Ave, South Lynn Road | We argued that the construction, and type of, the roundabout installed at this location is dangerous to cyclists, and should be avoided. |
Regional | Promotion | Strategy Hui | Cycle Action Auckland held its yearly strategy hui of committee members and friends in Waiheke, to discuss the high-level way forward. |
Regional | Promotion | Transport Committee presentation: “Changing Auckland for cycling” | We produced and provided a substantial presentation for the Auckland Council’s transport committee to update / introduce them to Cycle Action, to recent cycling successes in Auckland, and to future goals for cycling. |
Regional | Promotion | Website | Since the beginning of the year, Cycle Action has achieved between 3-6 blog posts a week, keeping our website up-to-date with cycling news. |
Regional | Promotion | Cycle Summit | We organised a “cycle summit” at Auckland Transport, where we had over a dozen speakers give short presentations on their cycling-related projects to a cross-section of Council, Auckland Transport and NZTA staff. Videos of the presentations are to go public soon. |
Regional | Promotion | Cyclist and car driver red-light running survey | We assisted a researcher studying red-light running behaviour by promoting his survey and providing some research material. |
Regional | Promotion | Coroner’s inquest into the cycling death of Jane Bishop and others | We provided a submission at the hearing into the reasons of Jane Bishop’s death, and particularly highlighted our consideration that infrastructural and operational conditions led to her death. |
Regional | Promotion | Campbell Live feature on pinch points | We helped Campbell Live produce a feature on the risks of pinch points for cyclists, with particular emphasis on Dominion Road conditions. |
Regional | Promotion | IPENZ Transport Debate | We participated in a debate by the Transportation Group of Institution of Professional Engineers NZ. While the debate was intentionally light-hearted, our committee member argued quite nicely that the current road code is not suitable for cyclists and pedestrians. |
Regional | Promotion | Energy / Climate Change discussion document of Auckland Council | We provided input on this discussion document, highlighting how cycling can achieve greater energy sustainability. |
Regional | Promotion | Energy & Climate Change – policy work stream sessions | We are participating in ongoing discussions, with the goal to have Auckland Council set realistic but demanding goals for cycling as part of their policies. |
Regional | Promotion | 5.5 million extra funding for the Regional Cycle Network in LTP | We submitted on Council’s Long-term Plan, participated in the hearings, and also provided submission on about a dozen local board areas. With numerous other groups also submitting for more cycle funding, councillors voted for a significant funding increase as a result. |
Regional | Promotion | RLTP submissions / hearing | We submitted to the Regional Land Transport Plan (a separate process to the LTP – Long-term Plan) and spoke to our submission to the Auckland Transport Board’s hearing. |
Regional | Promotion | NZTA became a corporate member of CAA | We convinced the New Zealand Transport Agency to become a corporate member of Cycle Action Auckland. |
Regional | Promotion | Jim Mora’s Afternoons programme | Our chair Barbara Cuthbert was a guest on Jim Mora’s Afternoons show – talking about cycling, of course. |
Regional | Promotion | Discuss RCN in meeting with mayor, leading up to funding decisions | We met with mayor Len Brown before the finalisation of the LTP, and discussed the need for more work on the Regional Cycle Network. |
South | Advice | Plan Change 15 Takanini, support for cycling provisions | We assisted local resident groups in a court case calling for better cycle facilities as the area gets developed, to make sure that cycle facilities, not just roads, get improved. |
South | Advice / collaboration | Mangere-Otahuhu Area Plan inputs | We provided input on cycling aspects for the 30 year long-term planning for this area. |
South | Infrastructure | Provide early input on Great South Road CMP | We provided input into the key cycling issues on Great South Road for Auckland Transport’s Corridor Management Plan for this route. |
South | Infrastructure | Massey / Buckland Road intervention | We convinced Auckland Transport to not undertake a design change to the Massey Road / Buckland Road intersection in Mangere which would have narrowed lanes on this cycle network route. The project is currently paused, while opportunities are assessed. |
South | Infrastructure | Puhinui Road cycle lane feedback | We provided input & submissions on these proposed cycle facilities, and met with the project manager. |
South | Infrastructure | Great South Road cycle lane feedback | We provided input & submissions on these proposed cycle facilities, and met with the project manager. |
South | Infrastructure | Papakura Interchange | We advised NZTA to the design of cycle lanes and shared paths across the upgraded Papakura Interchange currently being constructed. |
West | Advice | Westgate Community Facilities feedback | We provided input on cycling facilities as part of the new Westgate community centre proposal, such as bike parking, and a consideration of appropriate and safe access routes for cyclists. |
West | Infrastructure | Triangle Road, fixing cars queueing in cycle lane near Lincoln Road | We repeatedly advocated for faster resolution of this issue with Council, Auckland Transport and the police, and advised Auckland Transport on concepts and detailed design of the lane dividers that were installed. |
West | Infrastructure | Clarks Lane walking and cycling overbridge, insufficient bollards | We alerted NZTA to unsafe bollard installations at the Clarks Lane overbridge in Hobsonville. |
West | Infrastructure | Advice to team for Te Atatu Road project | Cycle Action was extensively involved advising on the project and organised several dozen supporting messages from local cyclists. We also achieved that the design cater for both on-road and off-road cyclists, rather than just providing on-road cycle lanes. |
West | Infrastructure | Margan Ave / Rankin Ave shared path | We submitted in support, and provided some advice on, an extension to the shared paths near New Lynn. |
West | Infrastructure | Following up on Lincoln Road grade separation study | We pushed for at least future-proofing of the Lincoln Road Interchange upgrades for a cycle bridge for when the Northwestern Cycleway is continued further west. We also provided input into the current cycleway works where the Northwestern Cycleway will end here. |
West | Infrastructure | Norsga Road comments | We provided comment about new roads in the new commercial zone north of Westgate shopping centre. We advocated for inclusion of off-road paths on rural roads, rather than the provision of cycle lanes on 70 km/h roads (we understand the design is unchanged). |
West | Infrastructure | Vera Road feedback | We supported an extension of the future Te Atatu Road shared path down a part of Kyle Road, which sadly was declined due to parking removal issues. |
West | Infrastructure | Don Buck Road / Triangle Road intersection | We had extensive discussions and advocated strongly for improved cycling conditions at the Don Buck Road / Triangle Road roundabout. As of this time, we seem to a have achieved agreement that at least improvement is possible, and a design for this is now being prepared. |
West | Infrastructure | Great North Road feedback | We provided input into the future layout of Great North Road in New Lynn. Sadly, our comments were ignored, and this long-term upgrade provides no cycle facilities despite this being a key cycle route. |
West | Infrastructure | Fort Street / shared space workshop | We participated in a workshop regarding shared space on Fort Street, City Centre. We advocated for further use of shared space. |
West | Infrastructure | SH16 / Muriwai Road roundabout feedback | Cycle Action provided some feedback to NZTA on changes to this roundabout. |
West | Infrastructure | Clark Street west cycle lane encroachment | We raised issues with motorists regularly using a cycle lane to queue at the traffic signals, leading to the installation of lane dividers highlighting the separation. |
West | Infrastructure | Te Pai Place / Pomaria Road cycleways | We had previously submitted design advice on these cycleways in a previous year, and are now keen to see them finally moving to construction. |
West | Infrastructure | Brigham Creek roundabout cycle crossing facilities | After long arguments with NZTA, we finally convinced them to provide refuge crossings and bypass cycle paths around this major motorway roundabout – these were installed earlier this year. |
West | Infrastructure | Northwestern Cycleway at Te Atatu Interchange | We continue to meet with NZTA with the aim to achieve the best possible solution for the cycleway crossing the interchange here, as part of coming motorway works. |
West | Infrastructure | Don Buck Road cycle lanes | We provided design advice on these new cycle lanes, including suggesting alternatives at a pinch point. |