Here’s a quick one. Remember about a year ago we blogged about the situation on the Upper Queen Street bridge? Kudos to Pippa Coom and the Waitemata Local Board for pursuing this issue – AT is proposing a new ‘leg’ for the crossing at Canada St. Consultation is now up and running, and closes on 8 February.
The good news: this will create a more direction connection between Lightpath and Grafton Gully – which means, once the lower section of Nelson St is finished, we’ll essentially have a full loop of stress-free off-road cycleway encircling the central city. Woohoo!
Here’s the consultation page. (Scroll down and click the through to the quick and easy feedback form.)
And here’s a PDF of the design: upper-queen-street-canada-street-consultation-plan – see below for our annotated version, showing how this new crossing is crucial to multiple connections.
Here’s what AT is proposing, in full:
- Install a new signalised pedestrian and cyclist crossing across Upper Queen Street.
- Install new pram crossings [i.e. ramps] (with directional pavers).
- Treat the surface of the footpath for safer walking and cycling.
- Relocate the existing ‘Shared Path’ signage.
- Change the road markings to reflect the improved layout.
What do you reckon? Obviously adding a new crossing leg here is great, and we’re giving it a huge thumbs up in principle. But can the design be improved further? We know, for example, that corner of Canada St has steep approaches and quite a camber, which can feel perilous on a bike – how might that be addressed? And what else catches your eye?
Remember, feedback closes Wednesday 8 February 2017.
Here’s the link again (to give feedback, scroll down and click on the blue button that says Give your feedback on Upper Queen St and Canada St)