A link for the loop: Upper Queen St improvements

Feb 05, 2017
A link for the loop: Upper Queen St improvements

Bike Auckland

2 min read

Here’s a quick one. Remember about a year ago we blogged about the situation on the Upper Queen Street bridge? Kudos to Pippa Coom and the Waitemata Local Board for pursuing this issue – AT is proposing a new ‘leg’ for the crossing at Canada St. Consultation is now up and running, and closes on 8 February.

The good news: this will create a more direction connection between Lightpath and Grafton Gully – which means, once the lower section of Nelson St is finished, we’ll essentially have a full loop of stress-free off-road cycleway encircling the central city. Woohoo!

Here’s the consultation page. (Scroll down and click the through to the quick and easy feedback form.)

And here’s a PDF of the design: upper-queen-street-canada-street-consultation-plan – see below for our annotated version, showing how this new crossing is crucial to multiple connections.

Here’s what AT is proposing, in full:

  • Install a new signalised pedestrian and cyclist crossing across Upper Queen Street.
  • Install new pram crossings [i.e. ramps] (with directional pavers).
  • Treat the surface of the footpath for safer walking and cycling.
  • Relocate the existing ‘Shared Path’ signage.
  • Change the road markings to reflect the improved layout.

What do you reckon? Obviously adding a new crossing leg here is great, and we’re giving it a huge thumbs up in principle. But can the design be improved further? We know, for example, that corner of Canada St has steep approaches and quite a camber, which can feel perilous on a bike – how might that be addressed? And what else catches your eye?

Remember, feedback closes Wednesday 8 February 2017.

Here’s the link again (to give feedback, scroll down and click on the blue button that says Give your feedback on Upper Queen St and Canada St)

Click to enlarge. The proposed new crossing is shown in blue. (Red shows existing markings that will be removed; yellow shows the tactile pavers necessary for vision impaired pedestrians).

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