The AHB Pathway Trust has asked Cycle Action Auckland for a Letter of Support for SkyPath as part of the resource consent process.
Naturally we’re delighted to oblige – Cycle Action has been a strong supporter and advocate for a cycleway over the Harbour Bridge for many years, and we’re pleased that so many significant agencies such as NZTA, AT and Auckland Council have expressed qualified support. This turns SkyPath from an improbable dream just a few years ago to a probable reality in just a couple of years. We can’t wait!

We’ve put our heads together to come up with the following draft letter. But we might have missed something, and we invite our members, friends and anyone who’d like to suggest changes or additions to leave a comment.
A couple of points though – the letter is designed to be a one-pager focusing on high level cycling benefits arising from SkyPath. We won’t go into too much detail – there will be plenty of opportunity for us and the wider community to make detailed submissions as the resource consent process takes its course.
To: The AHB Pathway Trust
Cycle Action Auckland is delighted to write this letter in support of SkyPath – a shared walking and cycling path over the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
SkyPath will remedy a deficiency in the design and construction of the Auckland Harbour Bridge which has frustrated cyclists since the 1950s. No longer forced to wait for a slow and infrequent ferry service, cyclists will be able to travel between the City and the Shore at will.
The completion of SkyPath will provide a hugely important “missing link” in the Metro paths of the Auckland Cycle Network – a linked cycle network segregated from motorised traffic.
We see the following benefits not just for cyclists, but for the Auckland region as a whole.
- Cyclist amenity – SkyPath will provide a safe and efficient means for cyclists to travel between the City and the Shore
- Encourage new cyclists – the ability to travel efficiently and economically between the City and the Shore will encourage motorists and other commuters to embrace cycling
- Reduce congestion – more cyclists will mean reduced peak hour traffic congestion, not just on the roads but also reduced passenger congestion on buses and ferries
- Improve the environment – less motorised traffic will result in reduced fossil fuel use, cleaner air, and reduced carbon dioxide emissions
- Improve public health and wellbeing – an increase in the number of people cycling will result in a reduction in diseases associated with inactivity
- Revitalise local communities – SkyPath will invigorate local communities (Birkenhead, Northcote, Takapuna, Ponsonby) within easy reach of the landings through a decrease in motorised traffic and a corresponding increase in foot and cycle traffic
- Tourism – SkyPath will add impetus to cycle hire opportunities, and provide tourist loops through scenic, heritage and commercial areas
- But perhaps the greatest benefit is that SkyPath will become an iconic game-changer for cycling, and provide the impetus for a greater investment in cycling infrastructure Auckland-wide. It is one of the keys to unlocking Auckland’s vision of becoming the world’s most liveable city.
In summary, Cycle Action is hugely supportive of SkyPath, and we look forward to providing a detailed submission as the resource consent process takes its course.