The Causeway Alliance team is racing along with its characteristic style and courtesy in keeping us up with the play. Here’s the latest update on cycleway changes.
Love the aerial photos, Sarah and Co!
“Later this week we will be installing a couple of site access control gates just past the Causeway bridge heading west. The gates will be similar to those installed just before the Causeway bridge and control the trucks entering site. The cycleway will remain open until a truck is parked and waiting to get onto site. At this point our gate person will check that the cycleway is clear before opening the gates for the truck. Opening the gate for the truck will then swing a gate in front of the cycleway as a safety feature to ensure the trucks and cyclists don’t cross paths. Once the truck is inside, the site access gate will be closed and the cycleway gate will open.
As you may know, in late May a small amount of asbestos was found in the area alongside Rosebank Park domain on the western side of SH16. We have a number of hazardous substance professionals managing it and the contaminated material is due for removal during next week in a way which is compliant with the HSE Act. It will require the removal trucks to have special equipment and the people on site to wear protective PPE. Cyclists will continue to have right of way along the cycleway but traffic control will be on hand to ensure the trucks and trailers are well clear before allowing any cyclists to pass. We’d like cyclists to know of this work taking place so they are not unnecessarily alarmed by people on site wearing white suits.”