2 min read

We thought we would give you a brief update on a few minor and not-so-minor cycling infrastructure projects going on right now (click through twice for larger photos):

Out on Grafton Road, near Auckland Hospital, the roadworks are finished, and the cycle lane is finally completed and greened.

It’s just an uphill lane for now, but CAA was able to convince AT to add a small downhill feeder cycle lane to one of the signalised intersections (see photo at right). It’s a start.

Now only for NZTA to allow cyclists to (legally) cross the motorway interchange dividing Wellesley Street East from Grafton Road – so we finally can get some cycle traffic for that uphill cycle lane [the possibility of rescinding the ban of cycling across the interchange is being looked at as part of the Grafton Gully Cycleway – we’ll keep you informed].

On Don Buck Road, out in former Waitakere, roadworks are proceeding to widen some of the slightly narrower parts of the road, and recess some parking.

Once that is done, we expect the new cycle lanes from Triangle Road to Westgate won’t be long behind.

At Westgate, another bigger project is (slowly) taking shape – the awesome-looking walking and cycling bridge over State Highway 16 we reported on a while before.

So far, it’s works on the abutments and ramp areas only, and it will be a bit longer before you will start to see the (yellow?) bridge spans themselves appearing.

And lastly, here’s a photo of the cycling crossings at the Brigham Creek Road, which were completed a while ago.

The view from the shot is a bit limited – as the motorway roundabout is so huge, you’d have to fly above or stand far away to get a good shot. But in any case, the new refuge crossings turn this motorway interchange from a real horror for non-sports cyclists into something reasonable. Well worth the fight to get them retrofitted.

Not covered in this update are the works on Tamaki Drive, which regulars will be well aware of. These are still ongoing, due to weather delays.

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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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