Quickfire have-your-say guide: Safe Walking and Cycling Connections around Albany

2 min read

The Bike Auckland Infrastructure Team (our super-clever band of volunteer urban nerds, planners, and the like) have just done their official submission on Auckland Transport’s Safe Walking and Cycling Connections around Albany have-your-say. If you live, work, or travel about this part of the city, please get in there and have your say, too!

In the interest of saving time and brain-space, we’ve put together a quick guide for you to draw on for your submission, focusing on the most important bits for bikes and such. Feel free to use our suggestions, but, as always, please try to put it into your own words where possible, and add in any of your own comments you might have as a local.

Alright. On with it! Deadline is 15 December 2024!

Section 4: The proposed project area needs safer and easier cycleways for locals to travel (between Bush Road and Sunset Road)

  • Strongly agree

Section 9: What would you like to see along Albany Highway? (select all that apply)

We recommend selecting the following items:

  • Improved footpaths alongside Albany Highway on both sides
  • A shared wider pathway to walk and cycle
  • ‘Other’, with the following comments (in your own words)

I would prefer protected, separated cycleways over shared paths, as this maximises user safety whether on foot or on bike. This is especially important for an area like Albany Highway which has lots of heavy vehicle activity. However, in places where this is not an option, I support a shared use path.

I support improvements to the intersection with Upper Harbour Drive which keep cyclists separated from traffic and allow for all cycling movements through the intersection.

I support on-road parking restrictions if this means I will have a protected/separated cycle lane, safe from the heavy vehicle traffic.

I support reducing the number of general traffic lanes if this means I will have a protected/separated cycle lane, safe from the heavy vehicle traffic.

I support ensuring the paths/cycle ways are accessible to reclining bikes and trikes that are often longer and need a wider turning circle.

I support a speed limit change to 30kph for any locations where cycling and general traffic have to share a lane, and 50kph for any locations with on-road unprotected cycle lanes.

Section 14: Within the project area, do you suggest any areas to highlight for cycling that needs further investigation? (Albany Highway between Bush Road and Sunset Road)

Given the high volume of heavy traffic in this area, having raised or signalised crossings to ensure traffic slows down is essential.
[You may also want to share your own specific feedback based on your experience cycling around Albany Highway.]

Please ensure protected cycling facilities on the north end of the project are connected to the existing Albany Hwy protected cycle path. In the southbound direction, the protected facility ends just south of Bush Road.

I support a cycling-enabled connection to Lorikeet Place from Albany Hwy

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