How are you finding the Waterview Path? Take a quick survey

Aug 06, 2019
How are you finding the Waterview Path? Take a quick survey

Bike Auckland

Here at Bike Auckland, every time we ride along the Waterview Shared Path, we marvel at how this project – which began life as motorway mitigation to preserve local access – has taken on a life of its own, and is being so visibly used and enjoyed by such a variety of people.

Have you visited or travelled along the Waterview Shared Path in the past six months? If so, you’re invited to take part in a short, anonymous, online questionnaire to assess experiences and social perspectives of people who use shared paths. The survey is part of an honours research project conducted by student researcher Ben Mansfield at the University of Auckland.

Whether you’re a cyclist, dog-walker, pedestrian, bird-watcher, commuter or scooter, pram-pushing parent, strolling companion, or use the path in any way, your opinion is welcome.

Find out more and take the questionnaire here. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and all answers are optional.


More about the survey:

Your anonymised answers will be used in an honours thesis looking at how stakeholders value greenways. The thesis attempts to understand how spaces of mobility like the Waterview Shared Path can be understood beyond their ‘thoroughfare’ value – i.e., what people and communities get out of them other than just being able to move from A to B. The work also aims to inform wider discussions of the ‘sticking points’ of community-scale infrastructure projects, and encourage cross-party engagement on local issues.

The research project has been approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 16 July 2019 for three years (Reference Number 023485). Feel free to contact Ben for more information.


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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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