Happy holidays – and roll on 2016!

Dec 31, 2015
Happy holidays – and roll on 2016!

Bike Auckland

2 min read

It’s that time of year – the time to send greetings to friends near and far, with great long lists of all the wonderful things achieved this year and fresh hopes and goals for the new year.

We started making a list, and you know what? It got so long it was almost… too much. ALMOST! (Our cuzzies at Transportblog have a great list covering the big wins, if you’re hungry for detail).

So here’s the short and sweet sunny afternoon version: 2015 brought an unprecedented array of completed infrastructure, both large and small; new cycleways and projects approved for construction in the coming year; a few key battles won (and some honourable draws, and some still to be decided); and all sorts of happy developments for a better city.

We’ve been cheered along by fresh faces and new commitment at every level, bigger budgets for cycling projects than ever, and an upwelling of support all over Auckland for a more bikeable city.

In sum, it’s really been a super year!


We’ll save our big detailed review-and-preview list for January, but for now – a huge thank you.

Thank you for coming to our events. Thank you for adding your voice to our campaigns. Thank you for taking time to give feedback on new projects. Thank you for sharing the good news — and helping us fight for even better news. Thank you for being along for the ride.

We’re off on holiday for the next two weeks, and we hope you have a break to recharge too. Because the great thing about holiday biking is, it reminds us how great everyday biking can and should be.

As one of our Twitter mates put it the other day, “every turn of every bicycle crank is like a little Tibetan prayer wheel towards cycling enlightenment”.

So if you got a bike for Christmas, or gave someone a bike for Christmas, or are dusting off an old bike for the holidays – enjoy the ride.

Whether you’re doing a rail trail, riding to the beach or biking to the dairy, or just pootling around, enjoying the new urban cycleways and the refreshingly quiet neighbourhood streets – have fun!

And when we all come back refreshed and enlightened… let’s get cranking on those New Year revolutions!



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Bike Auckland is the non-profit organisation working to improve things for people on bikes. We’re a people-powered movement for a better region. We speak up for you – and the more of us there are, the stronger our voice!

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