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Eastern Suburbs Sustainable Garden Trail by Bike

Bionic Electric Bikes Experience Centre 244 Orakei Road, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand

Sustainable gardens by sustainable transport. What could be better? Bike Eastern Suburbs is excited to be involved with the Eastern Bays Sustainable Gardens Trail. We have organised a group ride to visit several of the gardens finishing with refreshments at the newly opened Sunhill Garden Centre and Cafe. E-bikes and analogue bikes are welcome. We […]

The Big Bike Film Night – Northcote

Bridgeway Cinema 122 Queen Street, Northcote,, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

The Big Bike Film Night is on a mission- bringing the best cycling short films from around the world together for you. Showcasing 2.5 hours of moving bike films that has everything a cycle-centric audience could want – action, drama, humour, and plenty of inspiration; the evening is unashamedly and utterly, utterly, utterly designed and […]

$12 – $24

The Big Bike Film Night – Matakana

Matakana Cinemas 2 Matakana Valley Road,, Matakana, Auckland, New Zealand

The Big Bike Film Night is on a mission- bringing the best cycling short films from around the world together for you. Showcasing 2.5 hours of moving bike films that has everything a cycle-centric audience could want – action, drama, humour, and plenty of inspiration; the evening is unashamedly and utterly, utterly, utterly designed and […]

$12 – $23.50

Te Karanga A Hape – Celebrating Matariki

Karangahape Road Karangahape Rd, Auckland Central, Auckland, New Zealand

VIEW THE PROGRAMME OF 70 EVENTS HERE... K' ROAD WILL BE PEDESTRIANISED FOR THIS EVENT: from Pitt St to Queen St on Thurs 27 June, 3pm to 11pm. Te Karanga a Hape, ’ ’ returns on Thursday 27 June — the eve of the 2024 Matariki public holiday. And we're pedestrianising K' Road from […]


Ride ‘n’ Seek the City Centre Loop

City Centre Loop

Ride 'n' seek the City Centre Loop and win prizes! It's 6.7km of protected cycleways linking you to all the city centre has to offer.

Waiheke – Bikes and Beats!

Waiheke Bike Hub 1A Mako Street, Surfdale

You've been saving your bike maintenance for just the right time, and that time is now. Come join in the vibe and hone your bike-fixing skills while you listen to the tunes of vinyl DJs MANO PACO and MICSOBRUNO. Dub, punk and bikes.

Waiheke – Bike Pecha Kucha!

Waiheke Sustainability Centre 1a Mako St, Oneroa, Auckland, New Zealand

Come and delight in the tales of bike adventurers, bike enthusiasts, bike raconteurs and the bike-curious!

Halloween riddle ride!

Sunnynook Park Sunnynook Park, Sunnynook, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

We invite bike-riding zombies, witches, superheroes, giant tacos, or silly clowns to ride your bike (broomstick) around the park, solve the riddles and collect a little treat! Start your adventure […]

The Henderson Music Trail

Henderson Bike Hub, 14 Edmonton Road, Henderson Auckland

The Henderson Music Trail, a free community event, will bring music and art to Henderson’s bike paths in this family-friendly day out.

Note: Most of the events on our calendar are community submitted, and are rarely run by Bike Auckland. Keep that in mind!

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