As we hear from Herald articles and with more background on Transport Blog’s piece, there is some doubt as to whether the timetable for the City Rail Link will be delayed tomorrow at Council’s Wednesday meeting due to budget / rates increase concerns.
This is even though the costs of the City Rail Link won’t appear in the budget until the tunnel opens and the benefits also start happening – because the interim costs to finance construction via loans have already been included in the CRL costs.
In short, concerns about cut-backs to local community projects – something which many Councillors are concerned about – are getting mixed up with, and may even derail the CRL. Without creating any more money for town centre upgrades, or new parks.
If we want Auckland to move away from the current car-dominated state, we can’t let the project be delayed, or even be in constant doubt. Auckland needs better PT. If the CRL gets deferred to whenever, it might go the same way as “Robbie’s Rail” in the 1970s.

We ask all our readers to politely and passionately contact their Councillors and ask them not to defer the CRL, whatever other budget concerns they have. Bikes & trains – a winning combination for Auckland.