Where: Pioneer Women’s Centre, Ground Floor Meeting Room, Freyburg Square off High Street in the central city
When: 6pm on Thursday, 26 February
What: A presentation on the GI-Tamaki cycle way
This Thursday everyone is welcome to our monthly meeting.
The highlight of the evening is a presentation by Tim Duguid and Kirsten Shouler on the GI-Tamaki Cycle Way project.
This is the next big project with stage one kicking off next month.
We will also have the project manager with us from Auckland Transport and staff from NZTA.
Tim and Kirsten have been working particularly hard on creating better connections from far and wide to funnel cyclists into the cycle way from the surrounding residential areas. They have had some feedback already from local residents but we all know there is so much more to learn.
This is your chance to give us all your favourite shortcuts known only to you. The reason it is important we get these now is so we can project them into the long term plan.
If you intend to be there, could you please RSVP to Barb Cuthbert at barbcuth@gmail.com so we can be sure there is space for everyone.
See you there!