Council was advised of “pinch point” danger for cyclists where Tamaki Drive death occurred

1 min read

In 2006, then Chair of Cycle Action, Bevan Woodward wrote to Auckland City Council expressing concern that the needs of Auckland cyclists are being inadequately catered for by Auckland City planners and designers.

He highlighted four specific problem areas including the exact location where the tragic accident occurred on Tamaki Drive on Thursday evening.

As Bevan notes in the letter

Approximately a year ago the Council made roading changes on Tamaki Bay Drive opposite Kelly Taltons. These included installing a separator between the traffic lanes, footpath changes and also changing bus parking locations. While the changes may be safer for cars and pedestrians, no consideration appears to have been made for the safety of cyclists.  The combined effect of the road, footpath and parking changes has resulted in a dangerous situation for cyclists.”

Bevan presented this letter in person to Stephen Rainbow at a meeting that Phil Chase attended with him .  Unfortunately nothing came of their meeting.

A copy of the letter is available here.

Bevan has recently convened a new advocacy group, Cycle Action North Rodney which is affiliated to CAN. Bevan can be contacted at

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