Christchurch to try something courageoeus?

Christchurch to try something courageoeus?

Bike Auckland

Image 01Christchurch is poised to take a massive leap forward for cycling. They are already proposing the funding needed to make sure cycling is a centre-piece of the rebuild effort, and all key cycleways are to be built in the next couple of years. Now they are also proposing bold new guidelines for how these quality cycleways for people of all ages and cycling skill levels will work.

CCC environment and infrastructure committee approved the new design guidelines yesterday, and they are strong on physical separation, and propose new (for New Zealand) ways of doing so, like the traffic islands at intersections (first image).

Image 02Mmmh, were have we seen something similar – an island protecting turning cyclists from corner-cutting drivers? Ah, on Ian McKinnon Drive (second image), developed in coordination of CAA and AT.

We just hope the CCC doesn’t water down the design quality once it comes down to actually building these cycleways. Lets not put such designs in the the too-hard basket!

Also highly important is the design guidelines’ emphasis on Copenhagen Lanes and various other forms of protected lanes shown in the document.

Image 03Christchurch will be a city where non-cyclists will feel invited to become cyclists! We can’t wait to see that become true for Auckland too.

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