UPDATE -Thanks to Denise Jono for posting this on our FB. Who would like to see a summer of pop- up one day protected cyclelanes. This item says the idea is sweeping the US. I love it – just the way we can do low cost visioning for areas of Auckland where we know more people would like to have safer cycling but we don’t have the money for it just now. It would speed up those protected lanes – I betcha’.
While we’re on a roll with ‘Good News Thursday’ I thought I’d acknowledge the good work being done out west by AT’s engineer who is working with us on temporary safety improvements around Lincoln Rd, Central Park Drive and Triangle Rd.
I need to include the smart team at Fulton Hogan in my recognition. They’re responsible for the gorgeous new cycling facilities coming along at the Henderson Bridge and link to Lincoln Rd.
We heard last week from FH that they are just about ready to open the beautifully formed and landscaped shared path they’ve built for us all .This caused a panic at AT which has been dragging the chain in doing their part to connect up the local network to these new facilities. Their local engineer sprang into action, and has been doing an impressive job consulting with some of our local cycling stars on how to providE safe cycling access to link up with the Triangle Rd cycle lanes. We haven’t cracked this nut yet – but it’s not from want of trying and goodwill from AT’s A1 man on the job, FH and our resourceful local stars. We’ll keep you posted on this again soon.
While we were exercised by these problems AT’s man managed to install safe hit posts on the Central Park Drive approach to Lincoln Rd. He says he will green the cycle lane soon as well.(I’m secretly plotting to bring this wizard from the West to work on the North Shore, as I haven’t given up yet on my safe hit posts for the Devonport Lake Rd cycle lane!)
One of our local stars was kind enough to send a message of thanks to us all last night , saying he was so surprised to see the improvements he just about fell off his bike! Max, Paul and I love getting these encouraging messages at the end of a long day working on your behalf!
Great to see so much caring and collaboration amongst the brother and sisterhood out west!