A landmark summit was held last Wednesday afternoon to celebrate and expand the collaboration that is driving cycling innovation in the new Auckland. The summit was called by Auckland Transport and Cycle Action Auckland, and supported by and hosted at the NZ Transport Agency’s Auckland office.
It’s easy to be sceptical about aspects of the new Auckland, but every indicator is showing that it is good for cycling.
To keep the focus tight, we invited 18 short (5-8 minute) presentations and 32 guests. While our primary focus was on innovative projects, we also learnt from major players in the Auckland cycling sector and sought new collaborative opportunities.
Alex Macmillan from Auckland University’s School of Population Health spoke on her doctoral research which documents compelling facts of benefit/cost of cycling investment, and the impact that lack of transport choice has in limiting employment opportunities in South Auckland communities. A range of speakers outlined projects giving children access to bikes, cycle paths and training. Callum McNair presented plans to team the 2013 Harbour Bridge Clip-on event and festival with other sports events; Bevan Woodward reported major progress for the Harbour Bridge Cycleway and Waterfront Auckland launched plans of new cycle routes in their area. The Puketapapa Local Board identified the steps to its success in winning Council and Auckland Transport support for its ‘Greenways’ scheme. Rhys Jones from Ora Taiao focused on moves to promote cycling in Maori communities and the need for more opportunities to expand these initiatives. Auckland Transport; Auckland Council; the NZTA, Cycle Auckland and Bike NZ also featured in the presentation line up.
Stephen Town, (Auckland/Northland NZTA Director) concluded the summit by acknowledging that the collaborative initiatives are vital to Auckland’s cycling success to date and are a key to on-going progress. He stated his commitment to continue to work with the cycling sector to help reduce congestion across Auckland,
We’re keen to share the summit proceedings – the presentations, the highlights and short interviews with participants will be published on You Tube, starting on Tuesday.