Cycling around the news – 10 October 2024
In a bumper fortnight for news, we share a roundup of updates from the community, our own articles and news from other outlets in one handy list.
Labour’s cycling policy a welcome leap forward
Media release: 1.00pm, Friday 25 August 2017 Bike Auckland welcomes Labour’s policy announcement today, confirming ongoing commitment to the Urban Cycleways Fund, a new fund for active neighbourhoods, and a […]
2015 – Let’s stop the cynical game of cycle-washing!
We’ve seen it all before with ‘green – washing’. Now it’s ‘cycle – washing’. A classic recent instance is Auckland Council’s large image of a happy woman on a bike […]
Of Social Media, Politicians, Sacred Cows (and safe cycling)
I recently blogged on AT’s proposal for the Northcote Safe Cycle Route. Apart from a connectivity issue at Onewa Rd which needs to be remedied, Cycle Action is strongly in favour […]
Dutch cycling continues to grow
Some of the amazing cycling statistics that come out of the Netherlands (e.g. Groningen, a town of almost 200,000 people in the north of the Netherlands, where nearly 60% of all […]
The future is a car free city?
Living in such a car centric city, it can be hard to see how it could operate any other way. Even in a more public transport friendly country like the […]
The pope encourages cycling
Pope Francis has recently encouraged nuns and priests to cycle, extolling the virtues of bicycles as a means of transport. He condemned flashy cars as against the humble and non-materialistic […]
NW Cycleway remains open during St Lukes work this week!
Our buddies at the Causeway Alliance – NZTA’s Comms Team report that SH 16’s city-bound lanes will be closed for a couple of nights this week. As instructed by the […]
Talent and separated cycle paths
This article explains why business leaders think separated cycle paths are an important element in attracting much needed technical and entrepreneurial talent to cities. It also gels nicely with this […]