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[Updated] Parks are for people – a fresh masterplan for the Domain

Update: due to high interest in the Domain Masterplan and especially in the cycleways aspect, the Domain Committee Chair has now extended the public consultation period to 24 March. Have at […]

Can busways and cycleways exist together?

In recent years, Bike Auckland has noticed a troubling trend: When long-term plans for road upgrades are drawn up, the planners and engineers trying to allocate space for moving cars, […]

A year of revolutions – 2015 bike highlights in review!

2015 was a phenomenal year for Auckland bike culture. Things are really changing, inexorably and permanently. Our utopian hearts want citywide revolution NOW (if we could only wave a wand and create bikeable streets […]

The Gift of the Magi: a decision on Franklin Road

Last night we got the news about what’s in the Christmas stocking for people on bikes along Franklin Road, come next year’s full-scale upgrade of the whole road. As you know, […]

Best beware before barricading beautiful bikeways by bountiful bollarding!

Cycleway bollards in New Zealand are a bit like the concrete dividers we are now adding on some of our cycle paths – often needed to keep cars out, but […]

Simon says: for a new city, on your bike (or hop a bus, or take a stroll)

Pick up any copy of Metro magazine, and you’ll find a persuasive, passionate piece (or two) by Simon Wilson, longtime editor and now editor-at-large, who always finds a fresh way to put the […]

Ian McKinnon Drive – or how to lower the City Centre by 6m

Newest blog regarding the consultation is here. One of the key reasons NON-cyclists offer as to why Auckland currently doesn’t have more people on bikes is that it is too hilly. Funny, […]

How a smaller Cycle Network helps us all

It’s not every day that you see cycle advocates happy at seeing bike routes removed from a planning map – but in this case, we are. Because after years of […]

Mt Albert Town Centre Upgrade – how do bikes fit in?

Auckland Council is currently seeking your thoughts on designs for an upgrade to the Mt Albert Town Centre – feedback closes 4pm, Friday 27 November.  You can see the proposed […]

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