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Good for business, good for Tāmaki Makaurau

Written by Lou Annabell for Bike Auckland. Our campaign Cycling Works for Tāmaki Makaurau has a simple message: protected bike lanes are good for business and good for Tāmaki Makaurau […]

It’s Campaign Time…Welcome to Cycling Works!

Bike Auckland’s newest campaign is up and running, and we’re amped. Cycling Works will add Tamaki Makaurau’s businesses to the call for protected cycleways in our region, not only challenging […]

Bike lanes and businesses: When the numbers do the talking

If we had a dollar for every time we’ve been told that removing traffic lanes and car parking to make way for cycle lanes will kill local businesses, we could […]

Big business swings in behind biking – in London

As part of the growing value that business sees in cycling, last week a bunch of heavyweight firms came out in support of increased cycling infrastructure in the UK, and in particular […]

Bikes love local businesses – time for more vice-versa?

Of all the arguments in favour of encouraging city cycling, perhaps the hardest for some people to swallow is that bikes are good for business. Why? Because many business owners […]

Local business thrives on cycling

I wanted to follow up on our last post on cycling and business, by pointing out the that not only is cycling good for business but it is good for […]

Cycling and business

This article in the Guardian newspaper in the UK explains why US business leaders are jumping on board the cycling band wagon (or cargo bike). This is not because they […]

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