Save our Safe Speeds
The Central Government’s ‘draft Speed Rule’ seeks to impose blanket speed limit increases on our communities, making streets near schools more dangerous for our tamariki. Help us save the 30km/hr speeds which are protecting whānau and tamariki across our region.
Cycling Works
Inspired by campaigns in Bristol, London, Birmingham, and Pōneke Wellington, we’re launching a Cycling Works campaign for Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. Cycling Works showcases that various businesses support cycling and want streets to be safer for their employees and customers.
Inclusive cycling
For some people riding a bike is easier and less painful than walking. For them, a bike can become a mobility aid. But there are still many barriers to cycling for our disabled community. Over 2023 we’ve focused on reducing barriers to cycling for people with disabilities, so that everyone can feel the wind in their hair.
Liberate the Lane
We’re calling on Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to liberate a lane on the Auckland Harbour Bridge for walking, cycling, and wheeling so that everyone can travel across Te Waitamatā in the way that works best for them. Just a smidge of the bridge to create a more resilient and connected transport network for people in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
Previous campaigns
Inner West Network
The Inner West Network are three fabulous connected street improvement projects initially proposed in 2016. Two of the three projects, Great North Road and Pt Chev to Westmere, have been given the tick and will begin later in 2023! The Waitematā Safer Routes section is still on pause while Auckland Transport seek further funding.
529 Garage
In 2020 Bike Auckland investigated solutions to bike theft, concluding that 529 Garage would be best for reducing bike theft and reuniting people with their stolen bikes. The beginning of 2021 saw a trial backed by Auckland Transport with great results. Waka Kotahi has now adopted 529 nationwide.
If you haven’t already, register your bike to 529 Garage to keep it safe:
Discover more of our historic campaigns and wins in this timeline showcasing 150 years of Aucklanders on bikes!