Do you want to share your passion for cycling with others? Well what better way than becoming a Cycle Skills Instructor!
In a scheme promoted by CAA in conjunction with BikeNZ and CAN, a new NZQA Cyclist Skills Training Qualification will raise the standard of those teaching cycle skills training in NZ.
BikeNZ, the national sporting organization and national cycling advocates CAN, have been appointed by the NZTA to ensure that all cyclist skills instructors are given the opportunity to be accredited.
BikeNZ will run a series of courses to ensure that each instructor has the knowledge and skills needed to teach safe cyclist skills to both adults and children.
Every training provider, including Regional Sports Trusts and councils will have the opportunity to train their cyclist skills staff or contractors through the BikeNZ Cycle Instructor Courses. It will also provide those beginning their instructor training, this is an excellent foundation and learning opportunity.
The four main areas that are being covered in the course are:
- The Development of Cyclists
- How to be an effective instructor
- Risk management
- The Instructing session
These are the ‘How to’ of instructing where those in the course will learn the basic fundamentals of instructing. This ‘how to’ module of the Grade 1 course will also be applicable to Grades 2 and 3. The core skills for grade one as documented by Cyclists Skills Training (NZTA) will be used during the delivery of the two day course. Each of the ten skills will be incorporated into delivery activities so that all attendees will not only learn how to instruct the skills but also get a chance to practice with their peers in a controlled environment. They will also be able to share ideas on delivery as well as session plans. Those who have been through the course will then do a separate assessment session (ideally within an 8 month window).
The two day courses will be run in Auckland June 25 & 26. The cost is $75. For more information go to BikeNZ Cycle Skills Grade 1.