An interesting article here touching on some of the gains cycling is making in New York City.
Their new bike share system had an average of 7 daily uses for each of their 6,000 bikes on its best day a week ago, and even hotels are getting into the business of providing hire bikes (something that reminded me of cycling in Berlin, where on one single 500m stretch of street, you had 5 (!) different public bike hire offers).
At the same time, New York cyclists are struggling not only with cars – despite their much improved cycleways – but also with pedestrians in same cycleways. As cycle numbers rise in Auckland, we also have to expect that shared paths will be less and less useful, and more dedicated cycle infrastructure will be needed.
Still, good to have these issues – these are the problems of success!
PS: Original blog posts – instead of links to interesting stuff – may be a bit scarce for a while yet, as we are working in the background on several projects regarding the Regional Cycle Network, and the upcoming elections, and its taking a lot of our time.