As every month, we had a look at the business report of Auckland Transport to review any items of interest for cycling. Where possible, we will also provide additional context from our own discussions with Auckland Transport.
This month, the report is relatively thin on cycling-related material, though some key things may be being decided.
Note that where the below is italicised, we have copied the text from Auckland Transport’s report directly, without changing it.
- Trial sites have been identified for new approaches to marking and signage for cycle routes including lane separators and road markings. An application to trial new cycle road markings will be undertaken and presented to the Road Controlling Authority Forum which includes NZTA for approval. As soon as the trial locations and the extent is clarified, we will try and provide this to you. The willingness to use more lane separators seems promising.
- Dominion Road: The Puketapapa Local Board has requested changes to the cycle connections to link in with the Greenways project and this is currently under investigation for inclusion in the ongoing incremental options analysis. This is really two items. The first half relates to tweaking some of the residential cycle routes proposed around the Dominion Road area so they mesh in well with the Puketapapa Local Board’s new cycleways – something we strongly support. The second part mentions discussions about incremental options for the Dominion Road scheme – which has us worried, as we understand this could include cutbacks to the already approved scheme, which wasn’t too generous to cyclists on Dominion Road already. We will keep you informed as and when decisions are made.
- Albany Highway North Upgrade (Schnapper Rock Road to SH17): The Environment Court appeal has been settled and the designation has been granted. Separately, the report also notes an intended construction start early 2013! This is really good news to see Auckland’s first Copenhagen cycle lanes ready to go be built.
- Te Atatu Road corridor improvements – purchases going well. Separately, the report also notes an intended construction start mid 2013. Again, good news, as this cycle-friendly scheme was in the past discussed as possibly only happening 2014 and beyond.
There were a few other items, such as on the current Tamaki Drive works being completed, and further investigation occurring into the Tamaki Drive / Ngapipi intersection. The latter works are also described as costing around $1 million and to happen in 2013. While this may be an assessment with insufficient data, $1 million sounds like it would not be enough to build a (dreaded-by-cyclists) roundabout at this location (due to all the extra harbour reclamation needed) – so this may be good news in between the lines?
Lastly, the monthly cycle counter stats over the 9 sites show a 6.8% increase (see last page) for August 2012 compared to August 2011.